Miller lite football

The Brief: How can we make game time, Miller Time?

The Idea: By keeping fans engaged all season long. In a typical season, it’s all big dreams at the season start, but as the season wears on, it gets … disenchanting. So Miller Lite launched a weekly pick — a question you could answer for your local team’s upcoming game or for the next Monday night football game. And if you make the right pick, you’re entered to win football gear and beer money. Giving fans a reason to watch every game and an even better reason to pick up Miller Lite every week.

How it Came to Life: Every week of the regular season, shoppers scanned the logo of their Miller Lite, and made their weekly pick (such as: Who will win the coin toss? Home team or Away team). Everyone who played was entered to win, but every correct answer unlocked higher level prizes. And we outfitted bars and retailers with football fandom gear to keep the tie strong between game time and Miller Time.